Our Services

We offer a wide range of services at The Sanctuary, from pure relaxation massage to remedial and injury management therapies. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or would like to make a booking.

Remedial Massage
Remedial Massage

Remedial massage is a holistic treatment using a wide range of specialised massage and diagnostic techniques to heal a specific…

Deep Tissue Massage
Deep Tissue Massage

Using direct and deep pressure, this treatment focuses on breaking down restrictive adhesions and realigning the deeper layers on muscles…

Sports Massage
Sports Massage

Specifically for sporting injuries or ailments, this is a vigorous and deeper massage to a relaxation massage.

Relaxation Massage
Relaxation Massage

This is a time for you to let go of your stresses and escape from your daily grind. With the…

Pregnancy Massage
Pregnancy Massage

Pregnancy Massage provides many benefits for expectant mothers. Pregnancy massage can relieve aches and pains, reduce peripheral swelling, soothe the…

Hot Stone Massage
Hot Stone Massage

Heated smooth flat stones are placed on the body at specific points, the heat warms and relaxes the muscles allowing…

Myofascial Release
Myofascial Release

Myofascial release is an effective hands on technique that involves applying gentle sustained pressure into the fascia (connective tissue) restrictions…

Myofascial Cupping
Myofascial Cupping

Incorporated into a Remedial massage treatment, Myofascial Cupping is a soft tissue therapy that encourages healing by creating suction on…

Postnatal Massage
Postnatal Massage

Postnatal Massage eases tight muscles and relieves the aches and pains which can arise due to lack of sleep, structural…

Trigger Point Therapy
Trigger Point Therapy

Trigger Point therapy focuses on stimulating and releasing ‘Trigger Points’ in your body. A trigger point is a knot in…


Reiki is a healing technique transmitted by energy through the gentle placing of hands on specific positions, either on or…

Lymphatic Drainage
Lymphatic Drainage

Lymphatic Drainage is a therapeutic treatment using very light pressure and long, gentle and rhythmic strokes to increase the flow…

Chapman’s Reflexes
Chapman’s Reflexes

Chapman’s reflexes addresses the volume of stress that our bodies live under and the dysfunction that occurs from the body…

Foot Reflexology
Foot Reflexology

Foot Reflexology targets the reflex points of your feet which correspond to different parts of your body such as your…

Access Bars®
Access Bars®

Access Bars® is a non-invasive technique works on releasing both physical and mental blocks stored in the body and helps…


Applying essential oils topically to the skin can have many benefits including the ability to promote blood and lymph flow,…

Breakthrough or Wellness coaching Sessions
Breakthrough or Wellness coaching Sessions

In a Breakthrough or Wellness coaching session we do not relive the past, we focus on the present and look…

Women's Mental Health Counselling
Women's Mental Health Counselling

As women, we tend to put other people's needs in front of our own. It can be hard and even…

Please contact us today on (08) 8296 7512 to arrange an appointment, or send us an enquiry via our Contact page.

Phone: (08) 8296 7512
Email: Contact
354B Brighton Road
Hove South Australia 5048